An equitable investigation and prosecution must be guaranteed for all incidents of disappearance within the country.

Location: London, UK

Date: 30August 2023


An equitable investigation and prosecution must be guaranteed for all incidents of disappearance within the country.

The local Bangladeshi community recently commemorated those who have gone missing in Bangladesh during a significant event held in London. On Wednesday, August 30, human chains and protests were organized under the auspices of various organizations to mark the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Disappearance, a day declared by the United Nations in response to their forced disappearances.

This event was organized by the South Asian Policy Initiative and Global Voice for Humanity, in collaboration with 20 human rights organizations operating in the UK. The human chain and protest took place at the British Parliament Square.

Speakers at the event expressed concerns that the government in Bangladesh, which they referred to as “fascist,” has established an undisclosed detention facility called Ayanaghar to conceal dissident political leaders and activists. They highlighted that dissidents and opposition politicians are being targeted through a series of repressive laws. In addition to suppressing activists, law enforcement authorities, dressed in white uniforms, have been involved in abducting and subsequently making individuals disappear. Despite calls from the United Nations for an impartial investigation into these disappearances, the government led by Sheikh Hasina has ignored these appeals and continued to perpetrate disappearances and murders. The speakers called for the immediate release of the missing victims and emphasized that every disappearance would eventually be thoroughly investigated, with all those involved being held accountable under the law.

Prominent figures who spoke at the human chain and protest included MA Malik, President of UK BNP and Convener of Citizen Rights Movement; Syed Mamnoon Morshed, a distinguished educator; Prof. Naib Ameer of Khilafat Majlis; and various others. The event was chaired by Aliullah Noman, a senior journalist from Amar Desh newspaper, and Shamsul Alam Liton, the editor of weekly Surma. The gathering also featured the participation of community figures such as Mufti Shah Muhammad Sadar Uddin, Abdul Qadir Saleh, Ashiqur Rahman Ashiq (Convener of Democratic Movement UK), Major Retd Zakir Hossain (a human rights activist and former army officer), Barrister Tariq Bin Aziz (former VP of Bangladesh University of Engineering), Barrister Iqbal Hossain (President of Society for Democratic Rights), Barrister Alimul Haque Liton (Secretary), Major Syed Siddiqur Rahman, Anwar Hossain Tipu (Former Student Leader), Abdullah Al Momin (Former Student Leader), Ahsanul Ambia Shovan (Journalist), Muslim Khan (President of Safe Bangladesh Chai UK), Ali Hossain (Vice President), Shamimul Haque (Past President), Dollar Biswas (President of Peace for Bangladesh), Swalehin Karim Chowdhury (Convener of Center for Democratic and Good Governance), Shafiqul Islam Riblu (Advisor of International Democratic Forum), Zakir Hossain (Secretary), Md Raihan Uddin (President of Fight for Rights), Naushin Mostari Mia Sahib (Secretary of Equal Rights International), Asaduzzaman Shafi (President of Rights of the People), and several others.

The speakers conveyed their belief that, just as crimes against humanity during the liberation war were eventually judged after 45 years, the incidents of disappearance will also see justice one day, as they are internationally recognized as crimes against humanity.

A multitude of human rights activists were present at the event, including Iqbal Hossain, Mirza Saiful Islam, Nazrul Islam, Mohammad Shamsul Islam Kabir, Sayem Ahmad, Akbar Hossain, Alim Uddin, Tofail Ahmad, Abdul Noor, Rezaul Islam, Md. Abdul Khaliq, Altabur Rahman, Md. Shahab Uddin, Raihan Ahmad, Md Fazal Ahmed, Md Sharif Ahmed, Rafiq Ahmed, M, Ashraf Uddin, Md Kamrul Islam Bhuana, Fakhrul Mia, Md Alam Ahmad, Humayun Ahmad, Jamil Uddin, Maniruzzaman Khan, Md Chad. Mia, Sayem Ahmad, Aliur Rahman, Md. Shahjahan Ahmad, Md. Zakirul Islam, Md. Anwar Hossain Kaysar Ahmad, Habibur Rahman, Mamun Ahmad, and Md. Helal Uddin, among others.

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