Research Article

Minority Report: An Investigation into the Attacks on Hindu Minority in the Post-Hasina Bangladesh

Minority Report: An Investigation into the Attacks on Hindu Minority in the Post-Hasina Bangladesh Following the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government in August 2024, Bangladesh witnessed a surge in misinformation, falsely depicting widespread communal violence against religious minorities. This comprehensive report, published by the South Asian Policy Initiative (SAPI), critically examines the disinformation campaign that …

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Bangladesh Awami League: A Study of its Politics and Crimes Against Humanity

Bangladesh Awami League: A Case Study of its Militant Politics and Crimes Against Humanity Description This report serves to compile and document the extensive history of violent political crimes committed by Bangladesh Awami League (hereinafter referred to as “BAL”) and its affiliated organizations. The BAL, being one of the largest political parties in Bangladesh and …

Bangladesh Awami League: A Study of its Politics and Crimes Against Humanity Read More »

Kleptocracy as a Characteristic of Emerging Fascism in South Asian Economies: An Exploratory Study

How is kleptocracy manifesting as a characteristic of emerging fascism in South Asian economies?

This research aims to explore the relationship between kleptocracy and emerging fascism in South Asian economies. The study investigates how kleptocratic practices, such as embezzlement, bribery, and cronyism, are contributing to the consolidation of power by emerging fascist regimes in several South Asian countries, e.g., India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The research seeks to shed light on the insidious nature of kleptocracy as a tool of fascist regimes to undermine democratic institutions and suppress dissent in South Asian economies.

Uncovering Election Manipulation in Bangladesh: An Analysis of the 2014 and 2018 National Elections.

To what extent were the 2014 and 2018 national elections in Bangladesh manipulated, and how did these manipulations impact the democratic process and political legitimacy in Bangladesh?

This study aims to investigate the extent of electoral manipulation in the 2014 and 2018 national elections in Bangladesh and how such manipulations impacted the democratic process and political legitimacy of the country. By examining various forms of election manipulation, including vote rigging, violence, and voter intimidation, the study seeks to assess the impact of such practices on political stability and democratic norms in Bangladesh. The research also evaluates the effectiveness of existing measures to prevent election manipulation and explores potential solutions to strengthen the integrity of the electoral process in Bangladesh.

The Rise of Hindutva Extremism in India: Implications for Political Stability and Interfaith Relations in South Asia

What are the implications of the rise of Hindutva extremism in India for political stability and interfaith relations in South Asia, and how can these implications be addressed?

The research aims to investigate the rise of Hindutva extremism in India and its implications for political stability and interfaith relations in the South Asian region. The research question will explore the underlying social, cultural, and political factors that have contributed to the growth of Hindutva extremism and its impact on religious minorities and interfaith relations. The study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon, highlighting potential solutions to mitigate the influence of such extremism on regional stability and communal harmony. The findings of this research will be relevant for scholars, policymakers, and civil society actors interested in the dynamics of religious extremism, political stability, and interfaith relations in South Asia.

Gender Inequality and the Rule of Law: Challenges to Democratic Governance and Human Rights in South Asian Countries

How does the absence of rule of law and democratic institutions contribute to gender inequality in developing countries, and what measures can be taken to address these challenges?

This research aims to examine the relationship between the absence of rule of law and democratic institutions and gender inequality in developing countries. It seeks to understand how the lack of legal and political frameworks that promote gender equality can perpetuate discriminatory practices and unequal access to rights and opportunities for women and other marginalised groups. The research explores case studies of successful initiatives to promote gender equality in contexts where rule of law and democracy are weak or absent. The findings of this research can inform policy recommendations and strategies for promoting gender equality in developing countries.

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